Sponsoring Dealership: Battlefield Harley-Davidson Dave LeVan
Message from the Director
My name is Bill Rigby and I would like to welcome you to Battlefield HOG Chapter. Our club consists of about 100 members, most are riders, some are passengers. Our sponsoring dealership is Battlefield Harley Davidson.
We are a diverse group of people who love to ride and have fun. Our calendar is always busy with local rides, weekend overnight rides and week long trips. We get together for anything from ice cream to nice dinners out . We have done ghost tours, corn mazes, comedy shows, picnics, car shows, bike rally’s, scenic overlooks, movie nights, cruises, fundraisers and more things than I can list. If you can think of a place or event, we can make a ride or get together out of it. To sum it up we love to ride, eat and have fun!
I recommend you come see us at our monthly chapter meetings and get to know us, we are a very friendly group of people from all walks of life. You can do as much or little as you want, there is no pressure or expectations. We offer member orientations and invite you to attend one of these. They offer a personal insight on how we function and ride as a group safely. We pride ourselves on maintaining a safe riding environment and only have two requirements. They are “Ride and have fun”!
Our general meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month, please check our website calendar for location and updates.
The Battlefield H.O.G. chapter (Chapter #4330) was founded in 2000 and is sponsored by Battlefield Harley-Davidson. We are a family oriented, a social group dedicated to promoting the H.O.G. mission: “To Ride and Have Fun.” Our chapter is comprised of a diverse group of people. We cover all demographics including women and men, singles and couples, young and old; our members come from all walks of life. Many of our members have rode thousands of miles together, sharing their joy of motorcycling, making new friends, and of course, exploring new roads!
What is HOG?
H.O.G. is the Harley Owners Group, a group of Harley-Davidson motorcycle riders and enthusiasts. There are two separate H.O.G. memberships: The National H.O.G. and the local Battlefield Chapter.
Why join the Harley Owners Group?
Harley Owners Group (affectionately referred to as H.O.G.) is a global riding organization made up of people that own and ride Harley-Davidson motorcycles. It is family oriented, non-political, and non-religious. With millions of members all over the world, as a member of H.O.G. you are connected to this vast network of camaraderie and passion for motorcycling.
How does the Membership process work?
First, your National H.O.G. membership must be current. If it is not, call 1-800-CLUB-HOG (800-258-2464) or visit www.hog.com to renew.
Where are the meetings held?
The monthly meetings are held at the Livery, 900 Chambersburg Rd, Gettysburg, Pa at 7:00 pm on the third Wednesday of the month.
How can I be involved?
There are really two questions here, First, should you get involved? Then, how? The answer to the first question is an easy YES! You will get much more out of your Chapter membership if you get involved in Chapter activities. The relationships you will form with other folks in the Chapter are key to your experience. After all, riding is great, but riding with friends is even better!